Activities Archive

Activities Archieve

A Timeline of Achievements and Dedication to the Community


The Urbana-Champaign Chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS) was established at early 2007 where a public presentation at the Central Illinois Masjid & Islamic Center (CIMIC) was delivered on Jan 27th 2007 which witnessed a crowd exceeding 100 persons. MAS’s mission, vision, methodology, structured, and the planned activities & programs were presented. The concept of the Personal Development (Tarbiya) program and the contents of MAS Islamic Study Circle “Halaqa” were presented and membership sign up campaign started. Since then, MAS-Islamic Study Circles “Halaqat” for the signed-up MAS members started and structuring the Chapter’s committees started on stages according to the availability of the human and financial resources. The Family and Community Committee was the first to start followed by the Youth Committee, then the Quran Institute Program and ending up with the Social Services and Activism Committee.
The programs and activities done under each of the mentioned committees are listed below.

  • Family & Community Development Committee
  • Youth Committee
  • Quran Institute Program
  • Junior Youth Committee
  • Social Services and Activism Committee
  • Community Center

Family & Community Development Committee

  • Educational/Spiritual
    1. Qiam-ul-Lail nights during the year
    2. Community Public Lecture: “fix Your Heart” series. Hear Softening series of lectures aiming at cleansing one’s self of the bad characters such Greed, Backbiting & Gossip, Envy, Useless Talk, Artificiality & Argumentation, etc. and acquiring good qualities such as Love of Allah & Muhammad, Reliance on Allah, Certainty, Holding Oneself to Accountability, etc.
    3. Parenting Workshop: ” Parents as Role Models, Teachers and Friends”(March 28th 2010)
    4. Weekly Seminar “Sahaba Series”: Weekly 1 hour seminar discussing lessons from the life of the Sahaba of the Prophet (pbuh), U of I Campus & CIMIC (Started in September 2011).
    5. Weekly Community Seminar “Biography of the Prophet Muhammad, Lessons Learnt” (Started May 3rd, 2013)
    6. Dawa Workshop: “Enhancing Dawa Skills towards non-Muslims: Content and Tools” with Brother Ahmed ElKhaldy (May 26, 2013)
  • Qiam-ul- Lail (Shabaan: June 8th 2015): Short Description: Spiritual night boosting the Iman and strengthens the brotherly bonds.

  • Community Picnics and Dinners
    1. Monthly Pot Luck @ Masjid during 2007.
    2. Meadow Brook Park (April 21st 2007).
    3. Homer Park (May 2007)
    4. Open House & Picnic: MAS Community Club Project (April 14th 2009)
    5. Fund raising Dinner and Open House: MAS Community Club Project (May15th 2009)
    6. Wedding Party (May 29th 09)
    7. MSA Mom & Dad Day (March 13th 2010)
    8. Summer Picnic & Festival (July 24th 2010)
    9. Newborn “Aqiqah” gathering (August 7th 2010)
    10. Gym activities for Ethnic groups (Saudi, Turkish) (2010, 2011)
    11. Community Social Night: MAS Center Gym (August 6, 2011)
    12. 2nd Annual MAS Community Iftar: MAS Center Gym (August 17, 2011)
    13. Arafa Iftar: MAS Center (November 5, 2011)
    14. Community Picnic & Grand Opening of Banquet Hall (September 1 2012)
    15. 3rd Annual MAS Community Iftar: MAS Gym (August 7, 2012)
    16. Community Picnic (September 8, 2012)
    17. Arafa Community Iftar: MAS Center (October 25, 2012)
    18. Syria Refugees Fundraising Dinner (In collaboration with Islamic Relief): Urbana Civic Center (April 7th, 2013)
    19. MAS-UC Annual Fundraising & QI Graduation: MAS Center Gym (May 25, 2013)
    20. 4th Annual MAS Ramadan “Iftar” Dinner: MAS Banquet Hall in MAS Community Center (July 29, 2013)
    21. MAS Ramadan Iftar (7/29/2013) An iftar held at the MAS Community Center. Welcoming many Non-Muslim visitors as well as the entire community. There was food provided by many members of the community as well as sweets. The youth had fun outside playing on the playground as well sports. While it was a great social gathering celebrating the holy month of Ramadan.
    22. 1st Annual Ladies Cooking Competition (March 25th 2014)
    23. Eid-ul- Adha Carnival (October 3rd, 2015): Community gathering celebrating Eid-ul- Adha in a family environment with a lot of social, sports, fun, food activities.
    24. College “Ilm” Intensive Course (Spring 2015): Weekly 3hrs program providing concentrated dosage and discussions in the foundations of the Islamic Knowledge including (Creed, Hadith, Quran Tajweed)
    25. High School Knowledge-Leadership Course (Spring 2015)

  • Eid Celebrations “Carnivals”
    1. Eid-ul-Fitr, October 14 2007.
    2. Eid-ul-Adha, December 29 2007. Brookens Gym.
    3. Eid-ul-Fitr, October 4 2008. Hessel Park.
    4. Eid-ul-Adha, December 13 2008. Brookens Gym.
    5. Eid-ul-Fitr, September 26 2009. MAS Community Club.
    6. Eid-ul-Adha, November 21 2009. Savoy Recreational Center.
    7. Carnival & Bazaar, Oct. 25th 2013

  • Ramadan Activities: (Since Ramadan 2006)
    1. Competitions: Quran memorization & Islamic Information.
    2. Late Night Tahajjud Program. Concluding another Quran recitation cycle.
    3. Ramadan MAS Iftar: sponsored and cooked by MAS members, friends, and volunteers every Ramadan for Muslim community and public in CIMIC.
    4. Ramadan Social Night, August 29 2009.
    5. For Ramadan Activities 2011, click here.
    6. Quran Memorization Contest

  • Family Consultation
    1. “Positive Parenting Skill: According to Quran and Sunnah”. Drs. Ekram & Rida Beshir. June 22 2008.

  • Sports and Fitness
    1. Sisters Indoor Swimming every Saturday in UIUC Freer Hall, June – August 2010.
    2. Ladies and Girls Sports Nights in MAS Community Club: started June 2010, provide a very much needed private time for our sisters in the community to practice volleyball, soccer, and ping pong.
    3. Swimming Hour for Male Muslims: U of I Freer Pool (August 12, 2011)
    4. Weekly Women Swimming Sessions: Freer Pool, U of I (Started March 31, 2013)
    5. Ladies Weekly Swimming Sessions, Summer & Fall 2013.

Youth Committee

  • Community Services & Activism Check activities of “Social Services & Activism Committee” below.
    1. CPR Training (Organized by MSA and IR), CIMIC (Masjid), January 26, 2013
      For video,
    2. “You are the Torch Holder: Are you ready?” Inspirational night with Imam Mahdi Bray – DCL Building (March 29, 2012)
    3. MAS “3rd Annual College Certificate of Achievement” at the MSA Senior Bonfire: MAS Center Gym (May 11, 2013)
    4. Youth Ramadan Gift Baskets 2013: CIMIC (July 28, 2013)
    5. Quad Day (August 22nd 2015)

  • Educational & Personal Development “Tarbiya”
    1. Quran Institute Program (MAS Youth Connect): Weekly 4-hrs program with enrollment for high school boys and girls. Program featuring Quran Recitation rules “Tajweed”, Quran Memorization, and Islamic Studies. The last hour of the boys program features gym tournaments.
    2. Invited Youth Speakers:
      • “Let’s Understand Them: Muslim Youth Identity”: Featuring Omar Attia, Director, MAS Youth of Chicago Chapter. February 10th 2007.
      • “Muslim Youth: Hopes, Opportunities, and Challenges” Featuring Imam Johari Abdelmalek, Outreach Director of Dar-ul-Hijra Islamic Center, Fairfax VA. February 2 2008.
    3. MAS Show Case Community Presentation: Presenting MAS Personal Development “Taribya” program for Youth. Featuring Ahmed Taha, MAS-UC Chapter President. January 27 2007.
    4. Jeopardy Knowledge Competition: February 10 2007.
    5. Weekly Campus (U of I) Lecture: (Fix Your Heart) Series. Hear Softening series of lectures aiming at cleansing one’s self of the bad characters such greed, backbiting & gossip, envy, Useless Talk, Artificiality & Argumentation, etc. and acquiring good qualities such as Love of Allah & Muhammad, Reliance on Allah, Certainty, Holding Oneself to Accountability, etc.
    6. Ramadan Writing Contest, August 2009.
    7. Hajj Awareness Event: Informative display about Hajj in the hallway of the UIUC Main Library, November 2009.
    8. Muhammad the Orphan Who Adopted the World (Nov. 2013)
    9. “Muhammad (pbuh): The Blessed Biography”: a weekly Islamic Studies series on Campus every Tuesday, March – April 2010.
    10. Youth Convention Reflections: (January 5, 2013)
    11. 1st Annual Seerah Competition (March 14-15, 2014): Featuring over 100 participants forming 32 competing teams of males and females covering big age-range spectrum of 5years to college.
    12. Campus Seminar: The Last Day (12/2/14)
    13. Muhammad: The Orphan Who Adopted the World (April 8-9, 2015) Students on Campus set up on the Quad where they handed out flowers with hadith’s (sayings) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They were open to taking questions from students passing by as well as interacting in meaningful discussions on Islam and they Prophet. The next day, Br. Abdulmalik Ryan was invited on campus to speak about the Prophet (PBUH).
    14. Ramadan Weekly Group Gathering and Follow-up Sheet (June-July 2015)
    15. Hadith Competition (April 10, 2015)
    16. 1st Annual MAS High School Senior Graduation (May 2015)
    17. MAS Youth FNL: Ramadan’s In (July 3, 2015)
    18. MAS Youth FNL: Straight Outta Makkah (September 11, 2015)
    19. MAS Youth FNL: Eid Edition (September 26, 2015)
    20. High School Youth Group “Boys” (Bi-weekly starting 10/04/15)
    21. MAS Youth FNL: HALAL-o-ween (October 23, 2015)
    22. MAS Youth FNL: Heroes (November 13, 2015)
    23. Sahaba Competition (November 14, 2015)
    24. MAS Youth FNL: You’re Spoiled (December 4, 2015)
    25. Hadith Competition (April 10-11, 2015): Studying a collection of the Ahadeeth with lessons-learnt in a competition format. Teams of (3)’s are competing in bracket system.
    26. Sahaba Competition: (December 19th, 2015): Studying life of a selected group of the companions of the Prophet withlessons-learnt in a competition format. Teams of (3)’s are competing in bracket system.

  • Entertainment
    1. Outlandish Concert. Chicago July 2008.
    2. Girls Concert Preparatory Party. July 2008.
    3. Community Concert Trip to Chicago. July 2008.
    4. Girls Movie Night (High School & College). Winfield Village Community Center. 2008.
    5. Girls Fitness & Health night. Spring Break March 24 2009.
    6. Bonfire at Anita Purves Nature Center, July 17 2009.
    7. Hijabi Fashion Runway, October 2 2009.
    8. Mother–Daughter Banquet: Savoy Village Community Center, March 13 2010
    9. High School “Boys” Bowling Night: Illini Union Bowling Center (January 25, 2013)
    10. High School “Boys” Activity Night: MAS Center. (February 15, 2013 ; 6:30-10:00pm)
    11. Social Night 12/6/2013
    12. Fun Day 12/27/2013: After their weekly halaqa, the high school boys gathered at the local masjid (CIMIC) and played games. There was Tug of War, Soccer, Capture the Flag, etc. very competitive and fun.
    13. Campus Welcome Barbecue: 9/28/14
    14. 5th Annual MAS Senior Graduation Dinner (May 2, 2015)
    15. High School “Boys” Activity Day (Novemberber 11, 2015)
    16. High School “Boys” Activity Day (December 12, 2015)

  • Spiritual
    1. Qiam-ul-Lail Program for Young Men (high School & College). Hosting MAS Youth of Chicago. March 2007.
    2. Two separate Ramadan Iftar Invitations for Young Men & Women. Short talk & Duaa’ Iftar. Ramadan 2008.
    3. Students Night out: Lecture and discussion with Dr. Ahmed Mirza (Road Map for Life) (March 1, 2013)
    4. Campus Monthly Qiyaams: A Purposeful Life (9/12/14) & A Meaningful Prayer (11/14/14)

  • Sports
    1. Tournaments Night for male youth: In CRCE fields on U of I hosting MAS Youth of Chicago. March 2007.
    2. Midwest Olympics: Hosted on U of I fields on July (14-15), 2007. Organizing more than 100 youth (boys & girls) from 5 Midwest States in 3 sports; Football, Basketball & Soccer.
    3. Boys Fun Day: Baytown Community Center – Volleyball, Swimming & Fishing. August 2h 2007.
    4. Girls Soccer Training. Parkland College Fields, Weekly on Summer 07.
    5. High School Boys games night. Orchards Downs Community Center. Spring Break March 18 2008.
    6. High School Boys games night. Orchards Downs Community Center. Spring Break March 24 2009.
    7. High School weekly Sunday gym; every Sunday (11am-1pm).
    8. High School Ice Skating & Roller Skating. Several times in 2007 & 2008.
    9. High School Boys & Girls Bowling events. Several times in 2007 & 2008.
    10. Volleyball Night for brothers, Every Friday, started September 2009.
    11. MAS Midwest Athalon, October 17 & 18 2009: included three sports (Basketball, Soccer, and Volleyball) for girls and boys teams from Champaign Area and nearby states (Chicago and Wisconsin)
    12. Sisters Sports night, every Thursday, started June 2010.
    13. Youth Summer Camp, July 25 – 27 2010: Muslim youth from Champaign and Chicago meet in a 2-day camp to enjoy different fun and spiritual activities, such as soccer, swimming, volleyball, bonfire, Hiking at Kickapoo, and educational sessions.
    14. MAS Center & U of I Freer Swimming Session (August 12, 2011)
    15. Ramadan Spiritual & Swimming Day: MAS Center & U of I Freer Swimming Pool (August 19, 2011)
    16. Sisters’ Swimming Sessions (4/18/15, 4/25/15, 5/2/15): MAS UC rented out a private swimming pool on campus for a few hours a week for the sisters.

  • Trips
    1. High School boys trip to Peoria: November 1 2008.
    2. High School boys trip to Chicago Fires Soccer ball game.
    3. Girls trip to Chicago February 2009.
    4. Girls trip to Amish Shopping Male in Tuscola, IL. Fall 2008.
    5. Girls & Ladies trip to Deep River Waterpark, July 11, 2009.
    6. PAINTBALLING Trip: Saltfork Paintball, March 27 2010.
    7. Six Flags Trip: Saint Luois, MO (July 22, 2011)
    8. 3rd Annual Female Deep River Water Park Trip: Deep River, Indiana (July 9, 2012)
    9. Youth “Camp Transformers”. Joining 4 other Islamic Centers from Chicago Land. (June 17-19, 2012)
    10. Youth Fishing Day (July 2012)
    11. High School Picnic: (March 30th, 2013)

Quran Institute Program

    Increasing Enrollment: Started on June 2007 with 16 students, currently more than 90 students are enrolled.

    Extending Covered Age: Started covering ages (6-13) years, currently covering ages (4-18) years; boys and girls.

    Blossoms Morning Program: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays (9am-12 noon, 2009-2010)

  • Ijaza Program
    1. Two Ijaza in Quran Memorization and three Ijaza in Tajweed (2010, 2011). Ijaza “Certificate” was awarded to two adults who memorize the whole Quran after they were asked to recite the whole Quran from memory to one of the MAS Quran Institute staff who is a certified “Ijaza” holder who is approved by Prominent Sheikh Abdulfattah Madkour from Egypt. Three certificates were awarded in Tajweed in the Narattion of Hafs.
    2. Quran Hifz “Memorization” Groups: (Currently for men)

  • Organizational Development:
    1. Parents-Teachers Association (PTA). Elections among parents took place and first team was formed on Jan. 09.
    2. Parents-Teachers Conference: Started May 2 2008.

  • Teachers Academic Development:
    1. “How to Make Quran Recitation & Memorization Easy for Your Children“. Done by Hafiz Ahmed Alshekhy on Sunday Feb.3rd 08 in CIMIC Masjid, Urbana, IL.
    2. CIOGC Workshop: Aqsa School, Bridgeview, IL (August, 2008)
    3. ISNA Teachers Training Conference, Western Hotel, Chicago, IL, (April, 2009)
    4. Class Arrangements: Arabic reading proficiency, age, and gender are used to distribute students in classes.
    5. Quran Tajweed Courses “Roles of Quran Recitation” for Adults: May-June 2011
    6. Quran Hifz Groups. Selecting 6 students memorizing Quran under the supervision of three qualified Huffaz. (Started August 2011)
    7. Teachers Training: ISNA Educational Conference, Chicago (March 29-31, 2013)

  • Activities
    1. Circus Trip, Champaign, IL (July 2007)
    2. Pitting Zoo Trip.
    3. Children Science Museum.
    4. Farming Trip in Parkland College, June 23 2008.
    5. Graduation Ceremony, May 31 2008.
    6. Earth Day April 18 2009.
    7. Chicago Trip for girls.
    8. Peoria Full Day Hiking Day, November 2008.
    9. Yard Sale for Quran Institute Benefit May 23 2009.
    10. Movie Night: “Mohamed PBUH, The Last Prophet”. May 31 2009
    11. End of Year Ceremony, May 16 2010: included students awards, children shows, and Quran Ijaza Awards.
    12. QI- Hajj Simulation Project (Nov. 2010). Students practiced Hajj rituals moving from one station to another in the Gym in as they learn in the Classrooms.
    13. QI-Muhammad Night (March 2011). Students, parents and community concluded the activities of the theme of “I Love Muhammad” which students studied in a month long. Event included poem, plays, songs, ppt presentations, poster & T-Shirt designs expressing love to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
    14. QI Teachers Training Workshop (May 21-22, 2011). Quran Institute teachers received hands-on training on how to use the “Nourania” method in teaching Quran recitation to students. Training was provided by a qualified expert in “Nourania” method from MAS-Chicago Quran Institute.
    15. QI “Al-Nourania” Training Workshop, MAS Center, (September 17th 2011)
    16. Chicago Lego Land Eid Trip (Nov. 19th, 2011)
    17. 2nd Annual Hajj Simulation, MAS Center, (Nov. 5th 2011)
    18. QI Graduation 2012 (May 12 2012)
      End of year 2012 and distribution of the Quran Competition prizes.
    19. 3rd Annual Hajj Simulation (October 20 2012)
      Quran Institute students participated in a Hajj Simulation where they performed the main actions of someone who would be in hajj.
    20. QI Graduation Ceremony (May 12th 2012)
    21. QI 1st Day Picnic (September 8th 2012)
    22. 3rd Annual Hajj Simulation (October 20th 2012)
    23. QI Salat Celebration (2013)
    24. QI-Volunteering Day: U of I (April 2013)
    25. Quran Hifz Trophy Trip (Honoring QI students who finished memorizing Juzu’ from the Quran. A celebration in Chicago included Quran achievers of all 5 QI branches in IL) (May 5, 2013).
    26. Campus Volunteering Day 4/20/13
    27. 4th Annual Hajj Simulation, Oct. 12th 2013
    28. Salah Party 1/17/14
    29. Illini Fighting Hunger Volunteering Event (April 11, 2015)
    30. Orphan Sponsorship with Islamic Relief (April 13th 2015)
    31. Crash Course “Basic Reading in Arabic (March 8th, 2015)
    32. Skype Hifz Program (Weekly starting March 2015)
    33. Champaign Urbana Public Health Visit to the MAS QI Program (March 7th 2015)
    34. Hifz Program Celebration (February 13th, 2015)
    35. Teachers Appreciation Potluck (December 19th, 2015)
    36. 6 th Annual Hajj Simulation (September 19th, 2015)

Junior Youth Committee

  • Activities:
    1. Ramadan Spiritual-Swimming Day: MAS Center & U of I Freer Swimming Pool, August 12th, (7:15-Midnight)
    2. Ramadan Spiritual & Swimming Day: MAS Center and U of I Swimming Pool (August 19, 2011)
    3. Junior Youth Night: MAS Center, (October 14, 2011)
    4. Spring Break Camp: MAS Center, (March 21-22, 2011)
    5. Junior Youth Graduation Dinner, (August 22, 2007)
      To watch a slideshow of the pictures, click here.
    6. Young Youth Farm visit: Dr. Korshid’s Farm in Mahomet, IL. (June 28, 2008)
    7. Spring Break Camp: MAS Center (March 21-22, 2012)
    8. Ramadan Spiritual & Swimming Day: MAS Center & U of I Freer Swimming Pool (August 19, 2011)
    9. Junior Youth Night: MAS Center, (Friday Oct. 14th 2011)
    10. Spring Break Camp: MAS Center, (March 21-22, 2012)
    11. Junior Youth “Kickapoo Park“ Trip (June 12, 2012)
    12. Youth “Camp Transformers”. Joining 4 other Islamic Centers from Chicago Land. (June 17-19, 2012)
    13. Junior Youth “Boys” Summer Program: MAS Center & Outings (Three days a week; June 12 – July 14, 2012)
    14. Weekly Junior youth Tuesday Night: MAS Center & Boys Homes (Every Tuesday; 6:00-8:00pm; Started January 22, 2013)
    15. Muslim Girls’ Party, Nov. 15th 2013
    16. Girls Lunch Meeting (March 26th 2014): To practice the rules of etiquette and table manners.
    17. Boys Spring Break Fun Night (March 27th 2014): The night featured a pizza dinner, basketball, fun mini-games, and a spiritual component.
    18. Ramadan Weekly Group Gathering and Follow-up Sheet (June-July 2015)

Social Services & Activism Committee

  • Social Services:
    1. First Humanitarian Day (June 5th 2007): 300 lbs of packaged and frozen meat were given away to the needy families despite their ethnicity or religion. MAS Youth groups were used in distributing the meat by visiting the shelters, senior housings, and residence complexes.
    2. Interfaith Services Day (April 13th 2008). Offering community services as part of the collaborative efforts organized by the students and religious organizations on campus (U of I).
    3. Meat Distribution Campaign January 12 2008: Packaged and frozen meat was distributed by MAS Youth group. Bi-lingual campaign approached the Spanish speaking Hispanic community in Trailer parks in addition to the English-speaking local families, shelters, senior housing.
    4. Second Humanitarian Day (June 28 2008): Distribution of a half-truck load of hygiene products, winter clothes, and non-perishable food items to the community’s under-served areas.
    5. Lunch services at Times Center (June 29 2008)
    6. Hunger Day Sale (Great America Bake Sale): Holding bake sale in front of Pages for all Ages and CVS in Champaign. Proceedings were made as donation for the National Hanger Day as part of the Great America Bake Sale (June 2008).
    7. Part of (Peoples Pot Luck); monthly pot luck gathering (1st Sunday) for social justice activists including a public talk of interest and exchanging programs.
    8. Part of (Jobs for Justice Coalition) for labor activists and religious organizations focusing on the issues of justice for jobs, hunger, housing and labor.
    9. Youth Helping Seniors August 1 2009.
    10. Winter Clothes Giveaway: January 30 2010.
    11. Semi-Truck load giveaway distribution. Received donated items from Life for Relief and Development for give-away.
    12. Monthly Interfaith Dinner (Give-away food & material). Affiliating with different faith groups in providing support to needy segments of the society by providing them with free food and personal items of interest.
    13. Neighborhood Ramadan Iftar (August 20th 2010). Neighborhood was invited to a dinner “Iftar” in MAS Gym introducing the meaning of Ramadan and fasting in support of the concepts of “Compassion” in developing the sense of Citizenship crossing the limiting boundaries such as faith, ethnicities, etc.
    14. UC2B: Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband fiber glass internet connection project. MAS Center is site # 208 in the UC consortium which is led by U of I, City of Urbana & City of Champaign. MAS Center is identified as one of the sites which will be providing public computer access and training to the neighborhood for computer literacy and training.
    15. Interfaith Environment Protection Forum (April 30, 2011). Representatives from the First Mennonites Church, Catholic Church in addition to MAS-UC addressed the audience with how their respective faiths speaks on and advocates the issue of Environment Protection.
    16. Day of Dignity: Muslim Youth offering & serving Diner at the homeless “Time” Center (August 8, 2011)
    17. Faithful Friends: Thanksgiving Basket Give Away: University YMCA (November 20, 2011)
    18. Winter Give Away: Brookens Gym (February 3, 2013)
    19. Dawa Training Workshop (Imam Ahmed Elkhaldy 5/26/2013): A workshop lead by community leader of Iowa Ahmed ElKhaldy. The workshop was aimed towards expanding our dawa skills, what to do and what not to do. The experience was very good and beneficial, learning how to give dawa is one of the most important things in islam.
    20. Service Day 12/30/13

  • Activism
    1. Ramadan Awareness Day (October 1 2007 AND September 24 2009) in Centennial High School, Champaign.
    2. Celebrating Black American Month 2008 (April 10 2008) in Seibel Bldg @ U of I titled (Root Movement: African Influence on Islam in America).
      • Presenting documentary movie (Prince among the Slaves)
      • Featuring guest speaker Imam Mahdi Bray; Executive Director of MAS Freedom talking about (Contribution of Black Muslims in the USA)
    3. US Presidential Election 2008:
      • (US Presidential Elections Scene: Community Awareness). Featuring Imam Mahdi Bray; Executive Director of MAS Freedom. (April 11 2008) in CIMIC Masjid.
      • (2008 US Presidential Elections & Muslim Community: Responsibilities & Potentials) Phone Lecture featuring Imam Mahdi Bray, Executive Director of MAS Freedom (July 11 2008) in CIMIC Masjid.
    4. GAZA Campaign 2008: Fundraising Dinner in support of GAZA civilian atrocities: (February 10 2008). $40K were collected and donated through Islamic Relief Charity.
    5. Radio Show Interview (WILL-AM580) “Keeping the Faith” with Steve Shoemaker on Sunday September 14 2008 (5:00-6:00pm). Featuring Ahmed Taha, MAS-UC Chapter President speaking on “Balancing Islamic Religion & Everyday Life”.
    6. GAZA Campaign 2009:
      • Community:
        • Educational Community Night (History of the Palestinian Conflict and Current Status in GAZA) in CIMIC Masjid featuring two speakers from American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) (Friday January 9 2009).
        • “Let GAZA Live” Rally in front of the Champaign County Courthouse in Urbana (January 10 2009). Covered by the News Gazette, TV Channels 15 & 17 and taped and posted on YouTube by Independent Media Center. Attended by many community activists from Public I, ICM, AWARE, Quakers, Jobs for Justice and community leaders. Co-sponsored by 9 local organizations.
        • Teleconference Lecture (Palestine: FAQ. History of the Occupation, International Resolutions, Massacres, Arab Treaties, etc.) (January 23 2009). Featuring Dr. Hatem Bazian, Professor in California Berkeley and President of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP).
        • Fundraising Dinner: $95K were collected and donated through Islamic Relief Charity (January 25 2009).
      • Campus: (Co-sponsored by 6 other student organizations and 3 community organizations)
        • “Standing for Justice” Rally. South Entrance of Illini Union, U of I. (January 27 2009)
        • Public Lecture (Palestine Occupation: Between Myth & Reality), Siebel Bldg, U of I. (January 27 2009). Featuring Rafiq Jaber & Kristine Szremski
        • Poster Exhibit (Palestine Occupation: Roots, Massacres, GAZA Assault in Pictures) Union Room B, Illini Union, U of I. (January 28 2009)
    7. Celebrating Black American Month 2009 (February 26 2009) in Burrill Hall @ U of I titled (Lean, Change, Motivate, and Grow: Lessons from Black America)
      • Keynote Speaker: Imam Johari Abdelmalek; Outreach Director of Dar-ul-Hijra Islamic Center in Falls Church, VA.
      • Featuring Carol Ammons, Elected Champaign County Board Member (2008-2012)
      • Awarding “Erma Bridgewater” MAS-Distinguished Community Services Award-2009.
    8. Joining Gaza Demonstration, June 5 2010: was organized by different Champaign organizations after the Israel’s attack on Gaza Freedom Flotilla.
    9. Black American Heritage Event: U of I (March 29, 2012)
    10. 4th Annual Black American Heritage Event: U of I (Feb. 28th 2013)
      MAS 4th Annual Black American Heritage Commemoration 2013: On Thursday Feb. 28th 2013 in Levis Center of U of I. In collaboration with several local Activist groups and was attended by more than 100 people from different backgrounds. Theme focused on (War On Drugs). MAS 3rd Annual Social Services Award was given to (North End Breakfast Club).
    11. MAS/Islamic Relief Syria Fundraiser (April 7, 2013)
      On Sunday April 7th 2013, MAS-UC teamed up with Islamic Relief USA to help our brothers and sisters in Syria who are suffering from poverty and oppression. The fundraising Dinner was held in the Urbana Civic Center. Alhamdulillah, we were able to collect over $32,500 from our local community. To watch a slideshow of the dinner, click here.
    12. 4th Annual Black American Heritage & 3rd Annual MAS Social Service Award: U of I (February 28, 2013)
    13. In response to the Boston Marathon bombing
    14. 6th Annual Ramadan Iftar: Sharing the Spirit of Ramadan (Thursday July 2nd 2015)
    15. Centennial High School “Understanding Islam & Muslims” Day (Thursday October 3rd, 2015)
    16. 3rd Annual Ramadan Basket Distribution (July 2nd, 2015)

Community Center

  • Accomplishments
    1. Commercial Playground Instillation (August 2011)
    2. Eid Fun Day & Playground Grand Opening (November 12, 2011)
    3. Library Bookshelves & Whiteboard Instillation (January 2012)
    4. Gym Game Room Remodeling (January 2012)
    5. Remodeling the Gym Stage (Jan 2012)
    6. Installing new built-in Sound system in the Gym (Feb. 2012)
    7. Kicking off the “Extreme-Makeover” of the Banquette Remodeling (Feb. 2012)
    8. Installing a new built-in sound system in the Library (March 2012)
    9. Furnishing the classrooms (individual desks & chairs) (August 2012)
    10. Grand Opening of Banquet (September 1 2012)
    11. Remodeling the Public-Access Computer Lab (Dec. 2012)
    12. Installing a “Computer-Speaker” unit in each classroom for teaching & practicing Quran Recitation and memorization. (January 2103)
    13. Electric Work done in Main Building (February 2013)
    14. Connecting MAS Center to the “UC2B” Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband Fiber Optics High Speed Internet. (February 2013)
    15. Remodeling Game Room: Installing new carpeting, new flat screen TV’s with WII and xBox game stations(March, 2013)
    16. Hosting MSA Spring Camp Dinner (2013)
    17. Building new flower beds (Oct. 2013)
    18. Installing outdoor night-time lights allover the facility (Nov. 2013)
    19. Installing new Air-Conditioning and Heating machines in the Education Building (Opening Jan. 2014)
    20. Fully-Remodeling the two Restrooms in the Educational Bldg. (Opening Feb. 2014)
    21. Finishing the Remodeling of the MAS Game Room (August 2015): Including 2 Electronic games (Wii & Play Station), 5 Games: Pool Table, Ping-Pong Table, Foosball Table, Air Hockey Table, and Basketball Arcade.
    22. New MAS Outdoor Light Sign (Oct. 2015)
    23. Installing New 16-Camera Security System (October 2015)
    24. Installing New Heating and Air Conditioning System (Dec. 2015)